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Františka Plamínková: An Extraordinary Female in our History & her Legacy

Františka Plamínková: An Extraordinary Female in our History & her Legacy

05 | 02 | 2025

**On February 3, 2025, a conference was held in the Senate to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Františka Plamínková – a visionary who advocated for gender equality, women's right to education, and fair working conditions. How relevant are her ideas today? And what has changed over the past 150 years?**

There is still a shortage of women in technology in the Czech Republic. Can artificial intelligence help?

There is still a shortage of women in technology in the Czech Republic. Can artificial intelligence help?

26 | 11 | 2024

There is still a significant shortage of women in the technology industry worldwide, not excluding the Czech Republic. In our country, women make up only 10% of all employees in the IT sector. Even though the issue of gender diversity in the labour market is gaining more and more attention, there is still an uneven playing field in the technology sector. But fewer women means not only less diversity in teams, but also their untapped potential. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Future is Female Platform
We celebrate International Women's Day, the ideas of which we have not yet been able to fulfill

We celebrate International Women's Day, the ideas of which we have not yet been able to fulfill

08 | 03 | 2024

Today is International Women's Day. It has been celebrated since 1909 - built on three core ideas: women's suffrage, equality and the elimination of discrimination.

Women on Board: much ado about nothing

Women on Board: much ado about nothing

13 | 02 | 2024

There is another explosive directive from the European Commission, the "Directive on Gender Balance in the Management and Supervisory Bodies of Companies," or Women on Board, which is being discussed in the public sphere. Although the directive was adopted in 2022, the deadline for the Czech Republic to transpose it into its legislation is slowly approaching, so it is attracting attention.

Philip Morris: Don't be afraid of diversity, it's good for business

Philip Morris: Don't be afraid of diversity, it's good for business

06 | 11 | 2023

Philip Morris ČR is the first company in the Czech Republic to receive the prestigious Equal-Salary certification, which is awarded by the Swiss EQUAL-SALARY Foundation as an independent confirmation of equal pay for men and women in equal positions. Andrea Gontkovic, Chairman of the Board and CEO, and Michaela Prajerová, P&C Manager, described the process the company went through as part of the audit at a joint meeting of responsible companies. The event was organised by Business for Society as part of its networking programme BPS Café.

BPS Café
Give women more space, strengthen the Czech labour market
Press release

Give women more space, strengthen the Czech labour market

11 | 10 | 2023

In the Chamber of Deputies, women from responsible companies, signatories of the Diversity Charter, discussed their views with the Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies, Markéta Pekarova Adamová. Examples of good practice were given, as well as suggestions for the state administration on how to strengthen the position of women on the labour market.

Dialogue with public administration
Česko může být ekonomicky silnější, když dá ženám rovné příležitosti

Česko může být ekonomicky silnější, když dá ženám rovné příležitosti

05 | 06 | 2023

Zapojení žen v představenstvech, vysokých manažerských funkcích, politice a dalších rozhodovacích pozicích je v Česku stále nedostatečné. Podle Indexu žen ve vedení, který sestavil Byznys pro společnost (2018), je to jen něco přes 7 % žen.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass European Diversity Day
Den rovné mzdy – jen v zemích EU chybí 13 %

Den rovné mzdy – jen v zemích EU chybí 13 %

15 | 11 | 2022

Ženy v Česku musí v roce 2022 pracovat o 60 dní déle, aby dosáhly na stejnou výplatu jako muži v roce 2021. Sice je to proti loňsku o 9 dní méně, ale to je pro ženy asi slabá útěcha. Ženy u nás v průměru vydělávají o 16,4 % méně než muži, průměrný rozdíl v EU činí 13 %. 

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