There is still a shortage of women in technology in the Czech Republic. Can artificial intelligence help?
There is still a significant shortage of women in the technology industry worldwide, not excluding the Czech Republic. In our country, women make up only 10% of all employees in the IT sector. Even though the issue of gender diversity in the labour market is gaining more and more attention, there is still an uneven playing field in the technology sector. But fewer women means not only less diversity in teams, but also their untapped potential. Translated with (free version)
We celebrate International Women's Day, the ideas of which we have not yet been able to fulfill
Today is International Women's Day. It has been celebrated since 1909 - built on three core ideas: women's suffrage, equality and the elimination of discrimination.
Women on Board: much ado about nothing
There is another explosive directive from the European Commission, the "Directive on Gender Balance in the Management and Supervisory Bodies of Companies," or Women on Board, which is being discussed in the public sphere. Although the directive was adopted in 2022, the deadline for the Czech Republic to transpose it into its legislation is slowly approaching, so it is attracting attention.
Česko má novou strategii rovnosti žen a mužů
Při příležitosti letošního Mezinárodního dne žen vláda schválila strategii rovnosti žen a mužů na následující desetiletí. Jejím cílem je zvýšit kvalitu života žen i mužů v Č
Rovné příležitosti jako součást společenské odpovědnosti firem
Rovnost příležitostí pro ženy a muže je stavem, kdy obě pohlaví mohou svobodně rozvíjet své schopnosti a stejným způsobem využívat příležitostí. Znamená stejnou viditelnost, stejné postavení a stejnou účast obou pohlaví ve všech sférách veřejného a soukromého života.
Career - Family - Equal Opportunities
The division of family roles and responsibilities is an important factor affecting the parents’ possibilities to juggle their career and family. To a large extent, the division of family roles corresponds with social stereotypes
How stock exchanges can advance gender equality - Report
Gender equality is an issue that impacts everyone, from diversity in boardrooms and at the executive level, to equal opportunities for education.
Firmy chtějí více žen ve vedení, samy se snaží zbourat zažité stereotypy
Sdílené úvazky, mentoring pro talentované zaměstnankyně, spravedlivé odměňování, zvyšování sebevědomí žen, genderově vyrovnaný výběr zaměstnanců. Velké průmyslové i obchodní