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We celebrate International Women's Day, the ideas of which we have not yet been able to fulfill

We celebrate International Women's Day, the ideas of which we have not yet been able to fulfill

08 | 03 | 2024

Today is International Women's Day. It has been celebrated since 1909 - built on three core ideas: women's suffrage, equality and the elimination of discrimination.

PET bottle and can backup system can kick-start circular and innovative development of the Czech economy

PET bottle and can backup system can kick-start circular and innovative development of the Czech economy

29 | 02 | 2024

The Alliance of Responsible Businesses Business for Society organized a unique debate on the topic of the circular economy in the Czech Republic at the Malostranská beseda. Specifically on the upcoming amendment to the Packaging Act, which should introduce a backup system for PET bottles and cans. The Czech Republic would thus join the 16 European countries where the system is already in place. In 12 other countries, its introduction is currently under preparation.

Circular Economy Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
VIDEOSPOT: Will we introduce the deposit system for plastic bottles and cans in the Czech Republic?

VIDEOSPOT: Will we introduce the deposit system for plastic bottles and cans in the Czech Republic?

23 | 02 | 2024

The Ministry of the Environment has prepared a new draft law on the deposit system for PET bottles and cans. On February 28, a debate with experts on the issue will take place at the Malostranská beseda in Prague.

Circular Economy Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Come and discuss with exclusive guests how to circulate bottles and cans

Come and discuss with exclusive guests how to circulate bottles and cans

22 | 02 | 2024

The Alliance of Responsible Businesses Business for Society cordially invites you to this year's first round table on current topics of sustainable and responsible business in the Responsible and Innovative Czech Republic programme entitled: "Circular Economy or How to Circulate Bottles and Cans".

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Registration is now open for this year's Give & Gain Day!

Registration is now open for this year's Give & Gain Day!

14 | 02 | 2024

National Corporate Volunteer Give & Gain Day is now in its 14th year. It is one of the most important corporate social responsibility events that amplifies in one day and across the country responsible companies and their volunteers get significantly involved in supporting and helping public service organizations and local communities.

Give & Gain
Women on Board: much ado about nothing

Women on Board: much ado about nothing

13 | 02 | 2024

There is another explosive directive from the European Commission, the "Directive on Gender Balance in the Management and Supervisory Bodies of Companies," or Women on Board, which is being discussed in the public sphere. Although the directive was adopted in 2022, the deadline for the Czech Republic to transpose it into its legislation is slowly approaching, so it is attracting attention.

The Czech Republic in 2050 - are we ready for it?

The Czech Republic in 2050 - are we ready for it?

07 | 02 | 2024

Based on current demographic trends and available information on the ageing population, including the planned pension reform, which envisages a gradual extension of the retirement age, companies should also systematically address the topic of age diversity. This is particularly important in order to maintain their economic and social sustainability and competitiveness.

BPS Café
Flexicurity for the Czech Republic - just one part is not enough!

Flexicurity for the Czech Republic - just one part is not enough!

01 | 02 | 2024

Labour flexibility is crucial for the Czech economy. The Czech labour market urgently needs to increase flexibility and mobility so that "human capital" can move to where it is needed and thus prevent, among other things, structural unemployment. The government is currently looking for ways and tools to revitalise the Czech economy overall. One of the proposals currently under consideration is to simplify the process of hiring and firing employees, drawing on the Danish experience with Flexicurity.

Workplace Flexibility