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TOP Responsible Company 2024. The prestigious awards are have been distributed!
Press release

TOP Responsible Company 2024. The prestigious awards are have been distributed!

29 | 11 | 2024

The Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Business Business for Society awarded the TOP Responsible Companies of the Year 2024 at a gala evening in Prague's Grandior Hotel.

TOP responsible companies
Three quarters of the population are in favour of a deposit system for PET bottles and cans, Ipsos survey confirms
Press release

Three quarters of the population are in favour of a deposit system for PET bottles and cans, Ipsos survey confirms

25 | 06 | 2024

76% of Czechs support the introduction of a deposit system for PET bottles and cans. There is high support for backup in all regions of the Czech Republic. This was confirmed in June by the largest Ipsos survey to date, which was conducted among a sample of 4,247 Czechs.

Circular Economy
Corporate volunteers worked 1,805 hours on Give & Gain Day this year
Press release

Corporate volunteers worked 1,805 hours on Give & Gain Day this year

17 | 06 | 2024

290 corporate volunteers again helped non-profit organizations across the Czech Republic this year on 14 June. The event with a deep British tradition is organised annually by the responsible companies platform Business for Society, which connects the private and non-profit sectors through the Zapojimse.cz portal.

Corporate volunteering Give & Gain
Women can no longer stand on the sidelines!  We are launching the Female is Future platform
Press release

Women can no longer stand on the sidelines! We are launching the Female is Future platform

12 | 04 | 2024

In the Chamber of Deputies, prominent women from responsible companies and signatories of the Diversity Charter, academia, public administration, media and other fields met with the Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Markéta Pekarova Adamová to jointly present the newly emerging platform for women called "Future is Female." The event was organized by the alliance of responsible companies Business for Society.

Future is Female Platform
The 20th jubilee edition of TOP Responsible Company 2023 awarded the most responsible companies
Press release

The 20th jubilee edition of TOP Responsible Company 2023 awarded the most responsible companies

23 | 11 | 2023

Největší platforma pro odpovědné a udržitelné podnikání v Česku Byznys pro společnost ocenila na slavnostním galavečeru v historických prostorách společenského Paspova sálu pivovaru Staropramen TOP Odpovědné firmy roku 2023. Nejlépe byly letos v ratingu TOP Odpovědná velká firma vyhodnoceny společnosti Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s. a Československá obchodní banka, a.s. TOP Odpovědné malé firmě pak vévodila společnost Accace s.r.o.

Give women more space, strengthen the Czech labour market
Press release

Give women more space, strengthen the Czech labour market

11 | 10 | 2023

In the Chamber of Deputies, women from responsible companies, signatories of the Diversity Charter, discussed their views with the Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies, Markéta Pekarova Adamová. Examples of good practice were given, as well as suggestions for the state administration on how to strengthen the position of women on the labour market.

Dialogue with public administration
Byznys pro společnost otevírá registraci jubilejního 20. ročníku prestižních ocenění odpovědného a udržitelného podnikání TOP ODPOVĚDNÁ FIRMA 2023
Press release

Byznys pro společnost otevírá registraci jubilejního 20. ročníku prestižních ocenění odpovědného a udržitelného podnikání TOP ODPOVĚDNÁ FIRMA 2023

15 | 06 | 2023

Vyhlašujeme jubilejní 20. ročník prestižních ocenění TOP Odpovědná firma 2023. Firmy mohou opět přihlašovat své strategie a projekty, a to od 14. června do 7. září 2023. Leitmotivem celého letošního roku jsou inovace, ke kterým vyhlašujeme speciální kategorii.

TOP responsible companies
Charta diverzity má 11 nových signatářů
Press release

Charta diverzity má 11 nových signatářů

26 | 05 | 2023

Slavnostní podpis proběhl na mezinárodní konferenci „Evropský den diverzity 2023 – Budování mostů – Diverzita, Udržitelnost a Partnerství“. Noví členové Charty diverzity svým podpisem stvrzují, že diverzita a inkluze jsou pro ně i jejich zaměstnance prioritou a zároveň součástí firemních byznysových strategií.

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month

Our partners

Thank you to our partners for helping us change the world for the better.