Workshop "Remote work"
Existing unanchored practice, as well as the need to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the work-life balance of parents and carers, led to the draft law amending Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labor Code. However, the draft amendment to the Labor Code sparked and continues to spark further discussions about how remote work should be legislatively regulated. It was this workshop that conveyed different perspectives and experiences with remote work, and offered a space for their discussion and sharing of best practice experiences.
European City of Diversity and Inclusion
Already the second year of the competition organized by the European Commission for cities, towns and regions across Europe. If you have interesting activities or projects to support diversity or inclusion, don't hesitate to apply!
Looking back to 2022
A summary of events for 2022 and a list of events for 2023 can be viewed in the attachment.
Diversity & Inclusion – Bridges across the society Ceremonial meeting and accession of new signatory companies to the Diversity Charter
The ceremonial meeting of the new signatories of the Diversity Charter in 2022, including the ceremonial accession of new signatory companies to the Diversity Charter. The main partner of the meeting will be the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic. New signatory companies will access the Diversity Charter with the participation of Mrs. Monika Ladmanová, Head of the European Commission's representation in the Czech Republic.
Vodafone reduced emissions by 86% last year and 40% of its top management are women
More data transferred, more robust infrastructure, and yet a radical decrease in carbon emissions. This is exactly what characterizes the past business year at Vodafone from the point of view of non-financial data.
Tesco vydává již druhou zprávu o diverzitě a inkluzi
Společnost Tesco Stores Česká republika dnes vydává svou druhou zprávu o diverzitě a inkluzi, ve které se věnuje řadě personálních témat souvisejících s různorodostí a začleňováním různých skupin do pracovního procesu. Vše dokládá příběhy svých zaměstnanců, kteří jsou ve zprávě citováni. Za pokroky v oblasti diverzity a inkluze již společnost získala řadu významných cen a uznání.
Slavnostní galavečer s vyhlášením výsledků TOP Odpovědná firma 2022
Na slavnostním galavečeru v Cubex Centru Praha, kterým provázel moderátor Sasha Michailidis, ocenil Byznys pro společnost TOP Odpovědné firmy roku 2022.
Cheers! The Queers in the Bar | LGBT+ in food and beverage industry symposium 2022
The food and beverage industry in the Czech Republic employs a huge number of people, including those who identifies as LGBT+. Come and find out how to be more friendly to them. Happy employees give 100% performance and are loyal to their employer.