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16 | 09 | 2024

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic

11 | 09 | 2024

BPS Café

30 | 08 | 2024

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Responsible companies show innovative trends in sustainability. In Pilsen they presented how they save water, energy and thus the environment

Responsible companies show innovative trends in sustainability. In Pilsen they presented how they save water, energy and thus the environment

27 | 08 | 2024

Business for Society in cooperation with Plzeňský Prazdroj organized a unique networking event in Pilsen - a summer meeting of responsible companies about innovation. Companies shared their experiences and innovative practices on how to effectively save water and energy and reduce the overall carbon footprint not only within the company, but also across supply chains.

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Water over gold? Coca-Cola shows how it saves water and why.  It also presented a unique wetland project

Water over gold? Coca-Cola shows how it saves water and why. It also presented a unique wetland project

26 | 08 | 2024

Byznys pro společnost organized a summer networking of responsible companies on the premises of the Pilsner Urquell brewery. The main topic was water saving, and there was also talk about how to save materials or energy and thus reduce the overall carbon footprint not only within the company, but also across supply chains.

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Plzeňský Prazdroj: Our new energy-saving beer cooling system saves pubs up to 30 percent energy

Plzeňský Prazdroj: Our new energy-saving beer cooling system saves pubs up to 30 percent energy

19 | 08 | 2024

In cooperation with Sinop CB, Plzeňský Prazdroj has developed a completely new and economical beer cooling system, from which the company expects to save 30-40 percent of the consumed electricity. The quality of the beverage will not be affected. Prazdroj is already testing the system in 10 companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
Register for the prestigious TOP Responsible Company 2024 competition

Register for the prestigious TOP Responsible Company 2024 competition

18 | 06 | 2024

The Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Business Business for Society announces the 21st edition of the prestigious TOP Responsible Company Awards 2024. Companies can again submit their strategies and projects from 19 June to 12 September 2024.

TOP responsible companies

12 | 06 | 2024

Young in the Labour Market