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Programme and links to the live stream of the Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration roundtable

Programme and links to the live stream of the Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration roundtable

18 | 09 | 2023

Tomorrow, 19 September 2023, a unique event "Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration" will take place, organised by Business for Society in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Czech Republic and the Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Michaela Opltová.

Dialogue with public administration Workplace Flexibility
Flexicurity – a win for all – employers, employees, trade unions

Flexicurity – a win for all – employers, employees, trade unions

01 | 09 | 2023

Could the Danish flexible model work in Czech environment? Why is it worth being inspired by it? What would have to change in the Czech labour market? How can the government, businesses and labour unions work together effectively and sustainably?

Dialogue with public administration Workplace Flexibility
Inspirace přichází ze severu. Zúčastněte se kulatého stolu „Cirkulární ekonomika – Skandinávská inspirace“

Inspirace přichází ze severu. Zúčastněte se kulatého stolu „Cirkulární ekonomika – Skandinávská inspirace“

23 | 08 | 2023

Připojte se k jedinečnému kulatému stolu „Cirkulární ekonomika – Skandinávská inspirace“ a objevte osvědčené postupy firem v této oblasti. Získejte náhled na budoucnost cirkulární ekonomiky od skandinávských ambasadorů

Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
ČEZ volunteers helped at the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague

ČEZ volunteers helped at the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague

11 | 08 | 2023

Corporate volunteering through the ZAPOJIM SE platform continues during the holiday season. This time, volunteers from ČEZ helped at the old Jewish cemetery in Prague's Mahler Gardens. ČEZ has been sending its employees to corporate volunteering days for many years.

Corporate volunteering
E.ON is a new signatory to the European Diversity Charter

E.ON is a new signatory to the European Diversity Charter

10 | 08 | 2023

By signing the European Diversity Charter, the new members confirm that diversity and inclusion are a priority for them and their employees and part of their company's business strategies. The European Diversity Charter has gained a new signatory. E.ON has added its signature to the Charter.

Diversity Charter
We are preparing an autumn full of inspiration for you, the dialogue with public administration continues

We are preparing an autumn full of inspiration for you, the dialogue with public administration continues

21 | 07 | 2023

Autumn in Business for Society will be intense this year. We have prepared a series of events to address current trends and challenges in responsible and sustainable business as well as diversity and inclusion. We have attracted great partners for our intentions, who we believe will bring many examples of best practice to our environment. We are also continuing our dialogue with public administrations.

BPS Café Dialogue with public administration Responsible and innovative Czech Republic TOP responsible companies
European Diversity Day is coming!  Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

European Diversity Day is coming! Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

05 | 05 | 2023

The 2023 European Diversity Day International Conference is organized by Business for Society (Byznys pro společnost), the national coordinator of the European Diversity Charter.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
Začíná Evropský měsíc diverzity: Propojení, inspirace a sdílení osvědčených postupů pro otevřené pracovní prostředí.

Začíná Evropský měsíc diverzity: Propojení, inspirace a sdílení osvědčených postupů pro otevřené pracovní prostředí.

27 | 04 | 2023

Květen je každoroční oslavou diverzity a inkluze v celé Evropě. Evropský měsíc diverzity poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost pro každou organizaci vykročit směrem k vytváření přátelských a otevřených pracovních prostředí, která budou inspirativní pro všechny zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně.

Diversity Charter European Diversity Month