Business for Society in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Czech Republic and Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Michaela Opltová, cordially invite you to the Round table:
"Flexicurity – Labour Market Innovation – Danish Inspiration"
Could the Danish flexible model work in Czech environment? Why is it worth being inspired by it? What would have to change in the Czech labour market? How can the government, businesses and labour unions work together effectively and sustainably? Why the Danish labour market may not be heavily regulated by the Labour Law, but rather by a collective agreement between employers and unions? Together we will look for answers to these questions at this unique Round table that will take time on:
19 September 2023 from 9:30 to 12:00 at the Chamber of Deputies on the premises of the Committee on the Environment, Sněmovní 1, Praha 1.
“In Denmark, the flexicurity model has facilitated very good economic and social outcomes. This goes also for periods of economic downturn such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The core of flexicurity is the combination of low job security on the one hand and, on the other hand, a robust income support system if you lose your job. However, there is also a third essential element of the Danish model, which is a very active labour market policy: The government investment in this is substantial and amounts to 12.7 bio-EUR in 2019. It might bring good inspiration for the Czech labour market to look into the advantages provided by our flexicurity model. One of its main assets is that it generates high job mobility from which both employers and workers benefit, for example, because it contributes to very low structural unemployment.”, said the Danish Ambassador H.E. Søren Kelstrup to the Czech Republic, VIP speaker of the Roundtable.
The Round Table agenda is divided into two main parts:
Presentation of this unique Danish labour market model “Flexicurity” with the personal participation of the Danish Ambassador H.E. Søren Kelstrup and Jeppe Sørensen, expert of the Danish Trade Union Confederation
Responsible companies, representatives of the government and public sector, trade unions and employers´ organizations will participate in the discussion part to discuss the viability of implementing and using the Danish model in the Czech Republic
The Roundtable builds on the successful conferences held in 2018 under the similar topic "Flexicurity -Scandinavian Inspiration" by Business for Society, the Confederation of Business and Employers' Associations and the Danish Embassy in close collaboration with other Danish experts. The Round table is part of the “Dialogue with Public Administration Program”, organized by Business for Society, which aims to create a forum for discussion between responsible business and government, including the exchange of best practices and their further development.
You can join the Roundtable in person or online.
Languages of the event: Czech and English, simultaneous interpretation will be available.
The capacity is 40 people.