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Flexibility and market mobility is still a distant goal in the Czech Republic

Flexibility and market mobility is still a distant goal in the Czech Republic

09 | 05 | 2024

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has introduced another amendment to the Labour Code, the so-called "flexinovela". Its aim is to increase the flexibility of labour relations and respond to the current needs of the modern labour market.

Workplace Flexibility
Flexicurity for the Czech Republic - just one part is not enough!

Flexicurity for the Czech Republic - just one part is not enough!

01 | 02 | 2024

Labour flexibility is crucial for the Czech economy. The Czech labour market urgently needs to increase flexibility and mobility so that "human capital" can move to where it is needed and thus prevent, among other things, structural unemployment. The government is currently looking for ways and tools to revitalise the Czech economy overall. One of the proposals currently under consideration is to simplify the process of hiring and firing employees, drawing on the Danish experience with Flexicurity.

Workplace Flexibility
Worried about high unemployment? Introduce flexicurity, the Danes advise the Czech Republic

Worried about high unemployment? Introduce flexicurity, the Danes advise the Czech Republic

20 | 09 | 2023

"The Danes have the lowest long-term unemployment rate of all EU countries. "The flexicurity model - a system based on a balance between a flexible labour market and social security - has helped significantly," said Søren Kelstrup, Denmark's ambassador to the Czech Republic, at Tuesday's debate in the Chamber of Deputies. In the second part of the debate, representatives of Scandinavian responsible companies also spoke and the voice of Czech trade unions was also heard.

Dialogue with public administration Workplace Flexibility
Programme and links to the live stream of the Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration roundtable

Programme and links to the live stream of the Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration roundtable

18 | 09 | 2023

Tomorrow, 19 September 2023, a unique event "Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration" will take place, organised by Business for Society in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Czech Republic and the Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Michaela Opltová.

Dialogue with public administration Workplace Flexibility
Flexicurity – a win for all – employers, employees, trade unions

Flexicurity – a win for all – employers, employees, trade unions

01 | 09 | 2023

Could the Danish flexible model work in Czech environment? Why is it worth being inspired by it? What would have to change in the Czech labour market? How can the government, businesses and labour unions work together effectively and sustainably?

Dialogue with public administration Workplace Flexibility
Šárka Vránová v podcastu: Flexibilita v práci prospívá duševnímu zdraví zaměstnanců

Šárka Vránová v podcastu: Flexibilita v práci prospívá duševnímu zdraví zaměstnanců

22 | 08 | 2023

Možnost využití flexibilních forem práce je skvělým nástrojem pro zaměstnavatele, jak najít a udržet si motivované a kvalifikované zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně. Pomocí flexibility je možné vtáhnout do pracovního procesu i lidi, kteří by jinak museli hledat jinou pracovní pozici či zůstat v evidenci úřadu práce.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Workplace Flexibility
Jak sladit práci a soukromý život? EU zavádí novou směrnici, která pomáhá rodičům a podporuje rovné příležitosti

Jak sladit práci a soukromý život? EU zavádí novou směrnici, která pomáhá rodičům a podporuje rovné příležitosti

01 | 08 | 2023

Do české legislativy se přenáší nová směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady EU „Work-life Balance“ (WLB). Téma jsme probrali s hosty prvního panelu konference „Matky a otcové vítáni 2023“, kterou pořádala aliance odpovědných firem Byznys pro společnost.

Workplace Flexibility
Šárka Vránová v podcastu: Jak nás pandemie Covidu-19 naučila pracovat z domu

Šárka Vránová v podcastu: Jak nás pandemie Covidu-19 naučila pracovat z domu

15 | 05 | 2023

Pandemie Covidu-19 nám v plné síle ukázala, že flexibilita není už jen „pouhým“ benefitem, ale stala se nezbytností a vlastně standardním způsobem práce, bez kterého se dnes mnozí zaměstnavatelé už neobejdou.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass European Diversity Month Workplace Flexibility

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