Flexibility and market mobility is still a distant goal in the Czech Republic
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has introduced another amendment to the Labour Code, the so-called "flexinovela". Its aim is to increase the flexibility of labour relations and respond to the current needs of the modern labour market.
Flexicurity for the Czech Republic - just one part is not enough!
Labour flexibility is crucial for the Czech economy. The Czech labour market urgently needs to increase flexibility and mobility so that "human capital" can move to where it is needed and thus prevent, among other things, structural unemployment. The government is currently looking for ways and tools to revitalise the Czech economy overall. One of the proposals currently under consideration is to simplify the process of hiring and firing employees, drawing on the Danish experience with Flexicurity.
Programme and links to the live stream of the Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration roundtable
Tomorrow, 19 September 2023, a unique event "Flexicurity - Innovative Model of The Labour Market - Danish Inspiration" will take place, organised by Business for Society in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Czech Republic and the Member of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Michaela Opltová.
Flexicurity – a win for all – employers, employees, trade unions
Could the Danish flexible model work in Czech environment? Why is it worth being inspired by it? What would have to change in the Czech labour market? How can the government, businesses and labour unions work together effectively and sustainably?
Workshop "Remote work"
Existing unanchored practice, as well as the need to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the work-life balance of parents and carers, led to the draft law amending Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labor Code. However, the draft amendment to the Labor Code sparked and continues to spark further discussions about how remote work should be legislatively regulated. It was this workshop that conveyed different perspectives and experiences with remote work, and offered a space for their discussion and sharing of best practice experiences.
Fotografie z konference Legal for Flexi
Přinášíme vám fotografie z konference Legal for Flexi, která se konala 12. 10. 2021.
Flexibilita propojená s diverzitou je pro firmy konkurenční výhodou
Setkání Charta diverzity: Dialog 2018 otevřelo téma flexibility a diverzity. Česká republika zaostává za státy Evropské unie, kde si zaměstnavatelé intenzivněji uvědomují výhody flex
Vážné provozní důvody na straně zaměstnavatele jako překážka umožnění flexibilních úprav pracovní doby
Kratší pracovní úvazky, flexibilní a další úpravy pracovní doby jsou důležitým nástrojem ke slaďování rodinného či osobního a pracovního života. Umožňují zaměstnankyním a zaměstnancům, kteří pečují o děti nebo se starají o další osoby v rodině,