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European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

05 | 05 | 2024

Every May, we celebrate diversity and inclusion across Europe. European Diversity Month offers all companies and organisations the opportunity to contribute to creating an environment that is friendly, open and inspiring for all employees. Get involved and share your best practice, get new ideas and inspiration from other organisations.

European Diversity Day
European Diversity Day is coming!  Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

European Diversity Day is coming! Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

05 | 05 | 2023

The 2023 European Diversity Day International Conference is organized by Business for Society (Byznys pro společnost), the national coordinator of the European Diversity Charter.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
Who are the main speakers at the European Diversity Day international conference

Who are the main speakers at the European Diversity Day international conference

18 | 05 | 2022

The celebrations of the European Diversity Month are slowly coming to an end and the international conference European Diversity Day – the most important event of the year of Diversity Charter – is also irresistibly approaching.

European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
This Year’s European Diversity Day to Be Held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Once Again

This Year’s European Diversity Day to Be Held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Once Again

29 | 04 | 2022

The European Diversity Day – the highlight for the Diversity Charter and its signatories – will once again be held in the premises of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 27th May.

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
May – European Diversity Month

May – European Diversity Month

03 | 03 | 2022

May 2022 is the Diversity Month in the Czech Republic as well as across Europe. The aim and purpose of the European Diversity Month is to link Diversity Charter related activities taking place across Europe,

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month


19 | 05 | 2021

Diskuse o podmínkách pro znevýhodněné skupiny zaměstnanců je v EU i ČR dlouhodobě diskutovaným námětem. V současné době pandemie však získává na důležitosti a stává se zásadní

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day
Nejprestižnější akce diverzity v roce 2021!

Nejprestižnější akce diverzity v roce 2021!

14 | 05 | 2021

Program konference Evropský Den diverzity 21. 5. 2021

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day
Česká Charta diverzity se připojuje k oslavám Evropského měsíce diverzity

Česká Charta diverzity se připojuje k oslavám Evropského měsíce diverzity

03 | 05 | 2021

Je to tady! Akce roku v oblasti diverzity, flexibility a inkluze – evropský měsíc diverzity. V čase, kdy si více než jindy uvědomujeme, jak důležité jsou evropské hodnoty pro naši spole

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day