Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass

Diversity and inclusion are becoming global and central issues as we address major challenges such as climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing technological "revolution". That is why this year we launched a new project supporting the setting up and implementation of diversity, flexibility and inclusion in companies - Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass. The project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. (2014-2020).

For us, Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass means a way to share inspiration and tools that can move companies and individuals in the right direction. By participating in the project, we want to continue to grow ourselves, help leaders and professionals find their way.

In a series of six podcasts, we introduce the topic of diversity and inclusion through the experiences of representatives of responsible companies. They talk about how they deal with stereotypes and prejudices and how signing up to the Diversity Charter has influenced their corporate culture. They also share examples of good practice that can inspire less experienced companies.

About the project

The main goal of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project is to strengthen and support a positive perception of diversity and inclusion in the Czech labor market by employers as important values ​​of sustainability and competitiveness of companies in the 21st century. Diversity and inclusion are not yet perceived and accepted as the added value of private and public employers on the Czech labor market. In the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project, we therefore strive to create supporting tools that will enable a wider range of employers in the Czech Republic to get more practically closer to the areas of diversity and inclusion in the workplaces, including identifying and supporting diverse groups of employees, their needs, talent development, etc.

We gradually invite and involve member companies BPS - Business for Society and signatories of the Diversity Charter to the project activities. In the project, we directly cooperate with the Slovak Diversity Charter, which is a project partner. For two years, we will work together on innovative and supporting tools for the development and expansion of diversity and inclusion in the environment of not only private but also public employers, including cities and municipalities.

The main activities of the project in 2021 include the creation of the analytical tool Diversity Compass. Supporting activities for this tool are the implementation of surveys among employers, including members of the BPS and signatories of the Diversity Charter. The results of these surveys, including piloting Diversity Compass in partner companies, will make it possible to update or expand the issues within the Diversity Compass tool and prepare it for wider use by interested employers and organizations.

The second phase of the project follows the development of a wide set of tools called Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass, which will be a summary, set of tools, measures, materials, including PR and communication, for the implementation and development of diversity and inclusion among employers and other institutions. For the second phase of compiling the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass, we also use planned networking meetings, workshops, a diversity platform, conferences, including audiovisual and communication activities.

Evropská unie

Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship
Programme of the European Union

Our partners

Thank you to our partners for helping us change the world for the better.