Diversity Compass
Measure the level of diversity and inclusion in your corporate environment for free
Diversity Compass is an analytical tool designed to identify key areas for developing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The aim is to make the topic of diversity and inclusion more accessible to employers who are less experienced in diversity and inclusion and to identify key areas for development in their company.
The open tool Diversity Compass is divided into 2 parts:
An analytical part, which, once completed, provides respondent employers and companies with a basic indicative assessment in the form of information in a clear graphical format, i.e. what is their level of development or implementation of diversity and inclusion.
A methodological part, especially considering the fact that the target group is employers and organisations with less experience in developing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The main expert basis for the Diversity Compass analytical tool is the more detailed DISA (Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Assessment) analytical tool, which is non-public and intended only for signatories of the Diversity Charter.
By completing the Diversity Compass questionnaire, you get an immediate and more than indicative overview of which key areas your company could develop and deepen diversity and inclusion more and which key areas you are doing well in.
The Diversity Compass is free to use.
Marie Logrová
PR Manager
Signatory to The Diversity Charter
From the point of view of my position as PR manager, I was convinced that there was nothing left to do in terms of diversity in our company. Honestly filling out the Diversity Compass questionnaire slightly disabused me of my misconception. I definitely recommend everyone, even potential signatories of the Diversity Charter, to at least practice filling out the questionnaire. If you are conscientious, you may be as surprised as I was at what else you can develop in the area of diversity.

Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship |