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Flexibility and market mobility is still a distant goal in the Czech Republic

Flexibility and market mobility is still a distant goal in the Czech Republic

09 | 05 | 2024

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has introduced another amendment to the Labour Code, the so-called "flexinovela". Its aim is to increase the flexibility of labour relations and respond to the current needs of the modern labour market.

Workplace Flexibility
European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

05 | 05 | 2024

Every May, we celebrate diversity and inclusion across Europe. European Diversity Month offers all companies and organisations the opportunity to contribute to creating an environment that is friendly, open and inspiring for all employees. Get involved and share your best practice, get new ideas and inspiration from other organisations.

European Diversity Day
New signatories of the Diversity Charter are ESET, Uniqa, Saint-Gobain, Dentsu, ORACLE and Botanique hotel

New signatories of the Diversity Charter are ESET, Uniqa, Saint-Gobain, Dentsu, ORACLE and Botanique hotel

30 | 04 | 2024

By signing the Diversity Charter, the new signatories confirm their commitment to create an open, welcoming and non-discriminatory working environment for all employees. The signatories of the Diversity Charter become part of more than 130 mostly large international and domestic companies and companies that subscribe to the Charter and for the 10th year have significantly influenced innovative trends and approaches on the Czech labour market.

Diversity Charter
Shorter parental leave and shared parenting like in Sweden? Responsible business shows the way

Shorter parental leave and shared parenting like in Sweden? Responsible business shows the way

25 | 04 | 2024

The conference MOTHERS AND FATHERS WELCOME 2024 - Swedish Drive - Shortening parental leave opened up current topics such as sharing parental care and shortening parental leave in the Czech Republic.

Innovation is and will be the key to a sustainable future for Europe

Innovation is and will be the key to a sustainable future for Europe

19 | 04 | 2024

Responsible companies and other professional organizations presented current trends in green innovations for sustainability at the traditional meeting on sustainable business

Circular Economy UP!
Women can no longer stand on the sidelines!  We are launching the Female is Future platform
Press release

Women can no longer stand on the sidelines! We are launching the Female is Future platform

12 | 04 | 2024

In the Chamber of Deputies, prominent women from responsible companies and signatories of the Diversity Charter, academia, public administration, media and other fields met with the Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Markéta Pekarova Adamová to jointly present the newly emerging platform for women called "Future is Female." The event was organized by the alliance of responsible companies Business for Society.

Future is Female Platform
Innovation is the key to a sustainable future. UP Sustainable Business Forum! 2024

Innovation is the key to a sustainable future. UP Sustainable Business Forum! 2024

22 | 03 | 2024

Traditional meeting of companies, employers and professional institutions in the framework of responsible and sustainable business in the Czech Republic. The Forum is organised by the alliance of responsible companies Byznys pro společnost (Business for Society).

Get involved in corporate volunteering. It will bring your team together and strengthen your brand credibility

Get involved in corporate volunteering. It will bring your team together and strengthen your brand credibility

21 | 03 | 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important part of modern business and reflects the commitment of companies to make a positive contribution to society. Corporate volunteering in particular is one of the key tools that not only benefits local communities and public benefit organisations, but also strengthens the structure and cohesion of the companies themselves.

Corporate volunteering