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European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

European Diversity Month starts - join in, get inspired and share your good practice

05 | 05 | 2024

Every May, we celebrate diversity and inclusion across Europe. European Diversity Month offers all companies and organisations the opportunity to contribute to creating an environment that is friendly, open and inspiring for all employees. Get involved and share your best practice, get new ideas and inspiration from other organisations.

European Diversity Day
The third edition of the

The third edition of the "European City of Diversity and Inclusion" is here again

22 | 01 | 2024

In the fight against discrimination, in helping to promote diversity and a fairer society, the Commission has taken a proactive approach and continues to work towards fulfilling its commitment. This award recognises the work that cities, municipalities or regions in Europe have done to promote diversity and inclusion.

European Diversity Month
European Diversity Day is coming!  Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

European Diversity Day is coming! Who to look for at the 2023 European Diversity Day

05 | 05 | 2023

The 2023 European Diversity Day International Conference is organized by Business for Society (Byznys pro společnost), the national coordinator of the European Diversity Charter.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
Začíná Evropský měsíc diverzity: Propojení, inspirace a sdílení osvědčených postupů pro otevřené pracovní prostředí.

Začíná Evropský měsíc diverzity: Propojení, inspirace a sdílení osvědčených postupů pro otevřené pracovní prostředí.

27 | 04 | 2023

Květen je každoroční oslavou diverzity a inkluze v celé Evropě. Evropský měsíc diverzity poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost pro každou organizaci vykročit směrem k vytváření přátelských a otevřených pracovních prostředí, která budou inspirativní pro všechny zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně.

Diversity Charter European Diversity Month
European City of Diversity and Inclusion

European City of Diversity and Inclusion

19 | 01 | 2023

Already the second year of the competition organized by the European Commission for cities, towns and regions across Europe. If you have interesting activities or projects to support diversity or inclusion, don't hesitate to apply!

This Year’s European Diversity Day to Be Held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Once Again

This Year’s European Diversity Day to Be Held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Once Again

29 | 04 | 2022

The European Diversity Day – the highlight for the Diversity Charter and its signatories – will once again be held in the premises of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 27th May.

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
European Diversity Month Is Here. Join Forces with Us.

European Diversity Month Is Here. Join Forces with Us.

28 | 04 | 2022

May 2022 is the Diversity Month in the Czech Republic as well as across Europe. The aim and purpose of the European Diversity Month is to link Diversity Charter related activities taking place across Europe,

Diversity Charter European Diversity Month
May – European Diversity Month

May – European Diversity Month

03 | 03 | 2022

May 2022 is the Diversity Month in the Czech Republic as well as across Europe. The aim and purpose of the European Diversity Month is to link Diversity Charter related activities taking place across Europe,

Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month

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