Looking back at European Diversity Day 2022
What was the European Diversity Day 2022 like? Watch a short video summary of the event or see a recording of the entire conference and of all the workshops that we organized as part of the European Diversity Day in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic this year.

The New Diversity Index Shows that Diversity Charter Businesses Have Been Directly Influencing Current Trends in the Labour Market
Companies and businesses find equal representation of women in top management positions to be ever more important. They also ensure a high level of support for working parents. The results indicate that almost 80% of the Diversity Charter signatories find it vital to create tolerant work environment welcoming for all regardless their sexual orientation.

Who are the main speakers at the European Diversity Day international conference
The celebrations of the European Diversity Month are slowly coming to an end and the international conference European Diversity Day – the most important event of the year of Diversity Charter – is also irresistibly approaching.

This Year’s European Diversity Day to Be Held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Once Again
The European Diversity Day – the highlight for the Diversity Charter and its signatories – will once again be held in the premises of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 27th May.

May – European Diversity Month
May 2022 is the Diversity Month in the Czech Republic as well as across Europe. The aim and purpose of the European Diversity Month is to link Diversity Charter related activities taking place across Europe,

Evropský den diverzity 21. 5. 2021: shrnutí klíčových závěrů
Cíle, závazky a TOP management, který jde příkladem, to jsou cestou k rozvoji diverzity a inkluze na pracovištích i ve společnosti Současná pandemie covid 19 ve firmách a organizacích

TOP management, který jde příkladem, cíle, závazky, podpůrné programy – to je cesta k rozvoji diverzity a inkluze na pracovištích a ve společnostiSoučasná pandemie Covidu-19 ve firmách

Diskuse o podmínkách pro znevýhodněné skupiny zaměstnanců je v EU i ČR dlouhodobě diskutovaným námětem. V současné době pandemie však získává na důležitosti a stává se zásadní