Past Events
30 | 10 | 2023
Equal Salary at Workplace - Sharing Best Practice & Discussion
The topic of the BPS Café networking will be equal pay and the Gender Pay Gap - Michaela Prajerová, People and Culture Manager, will introduce us to how this topic has been handled at Philip Morris.
BPS Café
18 | 10 | 2023
Electromobility and Just Green Transition
The automotive industry is a major industry in the Czechia with a significant impact on the Czech economy and labour market. Electromobility, a fundamental and key innovation in this sector, is beginning to play a dominant role.
Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
11 | 10 | 2023
Round Table with Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
A unique meeting of Markéta Pekarová Adamová, a prominent Czech politician and supporter of a stronger position of women in the labor market and in society, with female personalities from responsible companies and signatories of the Diversity Charter.
Dialogue with public administration
26 | 09 | 2023
Cirkulární ekonomika – Skandinávská inspirace
Aktuální trendy v cirkulární ekonomice představí exkluzivní hosté skandinávských zemí a zástupci odpovědných firem.
Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
19 | 09 | 2023
Flexicurity – Inovace pracovního trhu – Dánská inspirace
Přijďte se inspirovat na kulatý stůl a společně prozkoumat možnosti aplikace úspěšného dánského modelu pracovního trhu Flexicurity v ČR.
Dialogue with public administration
09 | 06 | 2023
National Corporate Volunteerism Give & Gain Day 2023
Traditional and unique national corporate volunteering day Give&GainDay. GGD is a unique opportunity to present the positive contribution of responsible companies and their corporate volunteers in supporting and helping local communities and public benefit organizations.
Corporate volunteering
27 | 04 | 2023
31 | 05 | 2023
31 | 05 | 2023
European Diversity Month 2023
Jak může vaše společnost nebo organizace přispět k Evropskému měsíci diverzity? Pro oslavu Evropského měsíce diverzity můžete zorganizovat vlastní aktivity, jako jsou interní akce pro zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně nebo společnou akci, iniciativu se zaměstnanci a zaměstnankyněmi.
Diversity Charter
European Diversity Month
26 | 05 | 2023
International Conference - European Diversity Day 2023: Building Bridges - Diversity, Sustainability and Partnership
May is traditionally the European Diversity Month, the culmination of which is the European Diversity Day 2023 – the TOP event that closes the entire diversity month. The conference is organized with the support of the European Commission and DG Justice. Important business representatives from the Czech Republic, public administration, ambassadors from Europe and overseas, representatives of the academic sphere and others will speak at the European Diversity Day. The European Day of Diversity will also include the ceremonial accession of new companies and companies to the Diversity Charter.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
Diversity Charter
European Diversity Day
European Diversity Month