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Past Events

23 | 03 | 2023

UP! 2023 Sustainable Business Forum: "Sustainability in Partnership"

Forum UP! 2023 is the largest and most diverse forum of companies, employers, professional institutions in the framework of responsible and sustainable business in the Czech Republic! This year's UP! 2023 is entitled "Sustainability in Partnership".
15 | 03 | 2023

Workshop-Networking: "Multicultural working environment – inspiration, innovation and integration for all”

The workshop is organised by Business for Society in partnership with Heimstaden as part of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass (D&IMC) project.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
02 | 03 | 2023

Intergenerational dialogue or Young & Experienced Albert

We invite you to the workshop-networking, which is organized jointly by Byznys pro společnost and Albert Czech Republic as part of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Young in the Labour Market
01 | 02 | 2023

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
14 | 12 | 2022

Práce na dálku: Jak navázat na pandemickou zkušenost

Workshop se zaměstnavateli mapující současnou praxi, legislativní ukotvení i teoretické poznatky o práci z domova
13 | 12 | 2022

Diversity & Inclusion – Bridges across the society Ceremonial meeting and accession of new signatory companies to the Diversity Charter

The ceremonial meeting of the new signatories of the Diversity Charter in 2022, including the ceremonial accession of new signatory companies to the Diversity Charter. The main partner of the meeting will be the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic. New signatory companies will access the Diversity Charter with the participation of Mrs. Monika Ladmanová, Head of the European Commission's representation in the Czech Republic.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
25 | 10 | 2022

Galavečer TOP Odpovědná firma 2022

Slavnostní galavečer s vyhlášením výsledků proběhne 25. října v Cubex Centru Praha. Můžete se těšit na komunitu předních odpovědných firem, v čele s CEO, ESG, CSR, HR a PR manažerů a manažerek, zástupci ministerstev, ambasád, médií, opinion leaderů atd.
TOP responsible companies
12 | 10 | 2022

Czech-Slovak Forum on Diversity and Inclusion - Diversity & Inclusion Master Class project

Česko - slovenské Fórum o diverzitě a inkluzi – projekt Diversity & Inclusion Master Class
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass