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Past Events

01 | 05 | 2024
31 | 05 | 2024

May 2024 - European Diversity Month

European Diversity Month is open to all companies to engage in activities in the context of the central theme. The leitmotif for 2024 is "Building Bridges for Future Work."
At the same time, on 1 May 2024 we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the EU.
European Diversity Month
28 | 05 | 2024

Supporting young talents - investing in our future

Event-networking will focus on a current topic: working with and supporting young talents.
European Diversity Month Young in the Labour Market
21 | 05 | 2024

Cultural Adaptability at Workplace - Webinar is organized as a part of the European Diversity Month

We sincerely invite you to an webinar on the multicultural diversity as a key topic in many companies and in society as such. The guarantor of the workshop is company Tietoevry.
European Diversity Month
14 | 05 | 2024

Women in the media: Round table within the Future is Female platform

The first round table will open the topic of women in the media - what is the situation of women working in media houses in the Czech Republic and in what positions do they work and how do they manage to reconcile their work, often very time-consuming, with childcare.
European Diversity Month Future is Female Platform
27 | 04 | 2023
31 | 05 | 2023

European Diversity Month 2023

Jak může vaše společnost nebo organizace přispět k Evropskému měsíci diverzity? Pro oslavu Evropského měsíce diverzity můžete zorganizovat vlastní aktivity, jako jsou interní akce pro zaměstnance a zaměstnankyně nebo společnou akci, iniciativu se zaměstnanci a zaměstnankyněmi.
Diversity Charter European Diversity Month
26 | 05 | 2023

International Conference - European Diversity Day 2023: Building Bridges - Diversity, Sustainability and Partnership

May is traditionally the European Diversity Month, the culmination of which is the European Diversity Day 2023 – the TOP event that closes the entire diversity month. The conference is organized with the support of the European Commission and DG Justice. Important business representatives from the Czech Republic, public administration, ambassadors from Europe and overseas, representatives of the academic sphere and others will speak at the European Diversity Day. The European Day of Diversity will also include the ceremonial accession of new companies and companies to the Diversity Charter.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month
29 | 04 | 2022
31 | 05 | 2022

European Diversity Month 2022

How can your business or organisation participate in the European Diversity Month? The best way to celebrate the European Diversity Month is for example to organise an internal event for your employees (or with their involvement), an event for the general public,
Diversity Charter European Diversity Month
27 | 05 | 2022

International Conference European Diversity Day: Diversity and Inclusion – Bridges to the Future of Work

The conference is organised by Byznys pro společnost (Business for Society), national coordinator of the European Diversity Charter. This high-profile event is part of the European Diversity Month in the Czech Republic and is held under the auspices of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.
Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Diversity Charter European Diversity Day European Diversity Month

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