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Female FTSE Report 2015

Female FTSE Report 2015

20 | 04 | 2016

Since the publication of the Davies Review in 2011, we have made huge strides in gender diversity in our top companies. We have almost doubled women’s representation and ended all-male boards in the FTSE 100.

Roland Berger Diversity in Central and Eastern Europe

Roland Berger Diversity in Central and Eastern Europe

03 | 03 | 2016

Maximizing the potential of a diverse workforce is not only a social imperative, but can also be a competitive advantage.

Analýza zastoupení žen a mužů ve veřejných firmách

Analýza zastoupení žen a mužů ve veřejných firmách

10 | 02 | 2016

V rámci projektu Diverzita 2013+ – Bereme ženy na palubu sepsal partner projektu Otevřená společnost ve spolupráci s Národohospodářským ústavem Analýzu zastoupení žen a mužů ve ve?

Overview of Diversity Management implementation and impact

Overview of Diversity Management implementation and impact

03 | 02 | 2016

A substantial majority (95%) of charter members said that the signature of the charter has had an impact on the development of their diversity policies and activities.

Diversity Charter
Analýza zastoupení žen ve státních podnicích 2015

Analýza zastoupení žen ve státních podnicích 2015

23 | 01 | 2016

Jak se na zastoupení žen ve vedení firem dívají samy manažerky? A jaká je realita?

A guide to gender impact assessment

A guide to gender impact assessment

03 | 01 | 2016

Policy decisions that appear gender neutral may have a differential impact on women and men, even when such an effect was neither intended nor envisaged. Gender impact assessment is carried out to avoid unintended negative consequences and improve the quality and efficiency of policies.

Siemens Norway: Plan for improved gender diversity. Targets, strategy and measures

Siemens Norway: Plan for improved gender diversity. Targets, strategy and measures

16 | 12 | 2015

Siemens Norway want to improve attractiveness for customers, employees, future qualified candidates and Siemens globally. Improved diversity is expected to improve efficiency, work environment and give higher engagement.

Index: Unikátní data ukazují, jak jsou ve vedení firem zastoupeny ženy

Index: Unikátní data ukazují, jak jsou ve vedení firem zastoupeny ženy

10 | 12 | 2015

Víte, že jednačtyřicet procent tuzemských finančních institucí nemá ve statutárních orgánech ani jednu ženu? A že z 250 největších firem v Česku má v dozorčí radě více než polo

Diversity Charter

Our partners

Thank you to our partners for helping us change the world for the better.