PODCAST: Zálohování PET lahví a plechovek v kostce - velká inovace pro Česko. Rozhovor s Petrem Novotným, Institut pro cirkulární ekonomiku (INCIEN)
Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR předložilo vládě novelu zákona o obalech, kterou by se v Česku měl zavést zálohový systém na vybrané jednorázové nápojové obaly – PET lahve a plechovky. Tento systém je velká příležitost pro Česko a může významně ovlivní celý rozvoj cirkulární ekonomiky v České republice. Může rozběhnout ekonomiku s přidanou hodnotou a urychlit inovativní trendy v české ekonomice. V podcastu chceme vyvrátit nejčastější mýty, které kolem zálohování panují, a podívat se reálná data a analýzy, které dokazují přínosy tohoto systému.

Eaton Elektrotechnika: Our laboratories in the Czech Republic are unique, we also attract young female scientists
They are among the leaders in innovation in the field of energy management, their laboratories in Roztoky near Prague are the largest in Europe. Eaton Elektrotechnika's European Innovation Centre is not normally accessible. Business for the Company is now offering the opportunity to see the unique laboratories as part of an OPEN DAY event co-hosted by Eaton Elektrotechnika.

Responsible companies show innovative trends in sustainability. In Pilsen they presented how they save water, energy and thus the environment
Business for Society in cooperation with Plzeňský Prazdroj organized a unique networking event in Pilsen - a summer meeting of responsible companies about innovation. Companies shared their experiences and innovative practices on how to effectively save water and energy and reduce the overall carbon footprint not only within the company, but also across supply chains.

Water over gold? Coca-Cola shows how it saves water and why. It also presented a unique wetland project
Byznys pro společnost organized a summer networking of responsible companies on the premises of the Pilsner Urquell brewery. The main topic was water saving, and there was also talk about how to save materials or energy and thus reduce the overall carbon footprint not only within the company, but also across supply chains.

Plzeňský Prazdroj: Our new energy-saving beer cooling system saves pubs up to 30 percent energy
In cooperation with Sinop CB, Plzeňský Prazdroj has developed a completely new and economical beer cooling system, from which the company expects to save 30-40 percent of the consumed electricity. The quality of the beverage will not be affected. Prazdroj is already testing the system in 10 companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Come and see a unique innovation at Plzeňský Prazdroj
We cordially invite you to the networking of responsible companies in Pilsen, directly on the premises of the Pilsner Urquell brewery on 22 August 2024 from 11:00 to 15:00.