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19 | 12 | 2024

ČEZ is one of the companies that supported and actively helped develop social responsibility and sustainability from the very beginning, thanks to the personality of Michaela Chaloupková.

European Diversity Day - 10 years ago the Diversity Charter was established, we celebrated with its first signatories

European Diversity Day - 10 years ago the Diversity Charter was established, we celebrated with its first signatories

10 | 06 | 2024

It has been ten years since we established the Diversity Charter in the Czech Republic and together with reponsible companies we have reinforced the promotion of the principles of diversity, inclusion and corporate social responsibility. In the historical hall of the New Town Hall we reminisced about the beginnings of this key European document - and in the final debate, representatives of the first signatories took the floor.

Diversity Charter
European Diversity Day 2024: The Diversity Charter celebrates ten years. And it has six new signatories

European Diversity Day 2024: The Diversity Charter celebrates ten years. And it has six new signatories

07 | 06 | 2024

By signing the Diversity Charter, the new signatories confirm their commitment to create an open, welcoming and non-discriminatory working environment for all employees. The signatories of the Diversity Charter become part of more than 130 mostly large international and domestic companies and companies that subscribe to the Charter and for the 10th year have significantly influenced innovative trends and approaches on the Czech labour market.

Diversity Charter
Women on Board: much ado about nothing

Women on Board: much ado about nothing

13 | 02 | 2024

There is another explosive directive from the European Commission, the "Directive on Gender Balance in the Management and Supervisory Bodies of Companies," or Women on Board, which is being discussed in the public sphere. Although the directive was adopted in 2022, the deadline for the Czech Republic to transpose it into its legislation is slowly approaching, so it is attracting attention.

A long road to inclusion. The debate showed how employing people with disabilities can strengthen a company

A long road to inclusion. The debate showed how employing people with disabilities can strengthen a company

05 | 02 | 2024

clusion of people with disabilities in the labour market is a topic that we have been intensively focusing on together with responsible companies at Business for Society for several years. At the end of January, Revenium and Vodafone organised a round table on this topic - BPS was part of it.

We signed the Charter against Domestic Violence

We signed the Charter against Domestic Violence

12 | 12 | 2023

The Charter against Domestic Violence was a joint initiative of Vodafone, IKEA and the ROSA Centre for Women, under the auspices of the Department for Gender Equality of the Office of the Government and the Government Commissioner for Human Rights. It brings together 16 stakeholders from companies, institutions and organisations that are involved in the prevention of domestic violence and also help their female employees and victims.

Podcast s Pavlínou Kalousovou: Česko přemýšlí, kudy se chce v oblasti diverzity a inkluze vydat

Podcast s Pavlínou Kalousovou: Česko přemýšlí, kudy se chce v oblasti diverzity a inkluze vydat

31 | 08 | 2023

Do Charty diverzity vstoupilo za poslední dva roky 50 nových firem a zájem dalších společností nepolevuje. Zakladatelkou tohoto klíčového strategického dokumentu je Pavlína Kalousová, která dnes řídí firemní vztahy a komunikaci Plzeňského Prazdroje.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
Kateřina Piechowicz: Když Rusko napadlo Ukrajinu, s pomocí jsme neváhali ani minutu

Kateřina Piechowicz: Když Rusko napadlo Ukrajinu, s pomocí jsme neváhali ani minutu

29 | 08 | 2023

Loni v únoru celý svět zasáhla zpráva o vpádu ruských vojsk na Ukrajinu. Rusko stále nepolevuje ve snaze podrobit si Ukrajinu a i nadále tam probíhá válka. Odpovědné firmy loni velmi rychle zareagovaly na náhlou situaci a pomohly mnoha Ukrajinkám a Ukrajincům najít nový domov a práci.

Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass