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Past Events

22 | 08 | 2024

Summer meeting of responsible companies with "Smart Tap"

You can look forward to a networking meeting with the "Plzeňský Prazdroj Smart Tap" especially for members of the Business for Society Alliance and signatories of the Diversity Charter. The meeting will be an opportunity to share best practice in innovation for sustainability among responsible companies! The Smart Tap project is a unique and innovative way to save water and energy and reduce the carbon footprint during the "tapping process".
Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
28 | 02 | 2024

Circular economy - how to circulate bottles and cans

Business for Society - alliance of responsible companies cordially invites you to this year's first Round table on important topics of sustainable and responsible business in the program „Responsible and Innovative Czechia“ under the title: "Circular economy - how to circulate bottles and cans."
Circular Economy Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
18 | 10 | 2023

Electromobility and Just Green Transition

The automotive industry is a major industry in the Czechia with a significant impact on the Czech economy and labour market. Electromobility, a fundamental and key innovation in this sector, is beginning to play a dominant role.
Responsible and innovative Czech Republic
26 | 09 | 2023

Cirkulární ekonomika – Skandinávská inspirace

Aktuální trendy v cirkulární ekonomice představí exkluzivní hosté skandinávských zemí a zástupci odpovědných firem.
Responsible and innovative Czech Republic