
At Commerzbank, diversity has been a joint task for over 30 years for the executive board, management and for our employees. It all started with equal opportunities - today we are active on topics such as gender diversity, generational diversity, inclusion of people with disabilities, cultural diversity, religion, belief and worldview, sexual orientation and identity, the reconciliation of work-life balance and networking across countries we are present. Diversity is a reality – not only among our employees, but also among our customers, who come from all business circles and enrich us with different skills, experiences, languages, cultures and perspectives – that makes us strong not only within Commerzbank, but also in Europe.
Find out more about diversity and inclusion at Commerzbank.
About Commerzbank
Commerzbank is the leading bank for the German Mittelstand and a strong partner for around 30,000 corporate client groups and around 11 million private and small-business customers in Germany. The Bank’s two Business Segments – Private and Small-Business Customers and Corporate Clients – offer a comprehensive portfolio of financial services. Commerzbank transacts approximately 30 per cent of Germany’s foreign trade and is present internationally in almost 40 countries in the corporate clients’ business. The Bank focusses on the German Mittelstand, large corporates, and institutional clients. As part of its international business, Commerzbank supports clients with German connectivity and companies operating in selected future-oriented industries. Following the integration of Comdirect, private and small-business customers benefit from the services offered by one of Germany’s most advanced online banks combined with personal advisory support on site.
The bank is present in the Czech Republic since 1992. In our Czech offices we have more than 600 employees from about 44 different countries and are still growing. In 2017, Prague was chosen as the headquarters for the Commerzbank Group Finance Eurohub, Trade Service Hub and Continental Europe Human Resources Hub. The Digital Technology Centre (DTC) Prague plays a prominent role, providing a wide range of various IT solutions from creative Net. and Java development to agile production projects in application operations and infrastructure teams.
Co nám přináší spolupráce s BPS – Byznys pro společnost
Ing. Dominik Illy
Talent Management Specialist
S BPS dlouhodobě spolupracujeme na projektu Give & Gain a letošní ročník byl již náš šestý. Zaměstnanci Commerzbank si v této nelehké době uvědomují důležitost nezištné pomoci. Každý rok se najde několik desítek dobrovolníků, kteří věnují svůj čas dobré věci. Jsme velice rádi, že se naše dosavadní spolupráce rozšířila i na oblast diverzity - stali jsme se zlatým ambasadorem Charty diverzity. Vždy se těšíme na novou konferenci pořádanou organizací BPS. Každou konferencí se tak BPS snaží otevírat debatu na témata, která ve společnosti rezonují.

Odebírejte náš newsletter a neunikne vám nic ze světa Charty diverzity a udržitelného rozvoje.
BPS – Byznys pro společnost, z. s.
V Tůních 1357/11, 2nd floor
Praha 2, 120 00
Tel.: +420 739 717 789
Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union