Czech Diversity Charter

Diversity Charter Czech Republic

We believe that employees’ competence and skills – as diverse, creative and innovative as possible – are the key to long-term success of our business. In the era of advancing globalization and social and demographic changes, the ability to acknowledge and respect diversity helps us to establish permanent relationships with our customers, business partners and the general public. Therefore, we are adopting principles of the Diversity Charter.

We perceive diversity as a principle that enables people to fulfil their potential irrespective of their individual differences. A conscious application of the diversity principle brings acceptance, support and further development of individuals’ talents. We also recognize that this approach brings opportunities for innovation.

By signing the Diversity Charter, we commit to maintaining a workplace environment that is open to all, irrespective of their gender, race, skin colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, world views, disability, age or sexual orientation.

By taking this step, we wish to contribute to an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, which will in turn have a positive effect on society in the Czech Republic and beyond.

In accordance with the Diversity Charter, we will:

  1. Develop a culture that is based on mutual respect and recognition of individuals’ talents. Top management fully endorses and supports the diversity principles and equal opportunities. We are committed to creating workplace conditions that will enable all employees to be guided by these values and to respect them. The company’s policies and procedures will incorporate the diversity principle to enable greater innovation and strategic development.

  2. Support and implement changes that will enable employees to take full advantage of their talents and skills while respecting the work-life balance. We understand that every individual is different and therefore we strive to align individual potential with efficiency standards.

  3. Promote rules in human resources management that will support the diversity principle, with the emphasis on equal-opportunity recruitment, training, career development, assessment and promotion, and consideration of personal and family situation of employees.

  4. Actively promote the implementation of Diversity Charter principles within our internal and external communication. On a regular basis we will present our commitments, actions and successes both publicly and towards our employees.

Our partners

Thank you to our partners for helping us change the world for the better.