Workshop - Networking: "Multicultural working environment - inspiration, innovation and integration for all!

The workshop is open and intended for members of the BPS platform and signatories of the Diversity Charter, but also for private and public employers who are "just getting started" with diversity and inclusion. The workshop program will be devoted to topics related to a multicultural work environment. The program will offer the sharing of best practices with the integration of foreign employees into the corporate culture, including the functioning of multicultural work teams at Heimstaden.
The program will also present best practices with the integration of Ukrainian war refugees. Among other things, representatives of the Moravian-Silesian Employment Pact will present their experiences with good practice.
Other responsible companies participating in the workshop will also share their best practices in the program, for example IKEA, which will present the principles and activities of its successful Skills for Employment program in more detail.
The program will also introduce the new open tools of the D&IMC project to support the development of diversity and inclusion in currently "less experienced" employers.
The ambassadors of diversity and responsible business, the companies Heimstaden and IKEA, will present their best practices on the topics of multicultural diversity in the workplace, including the possibilities of supporting and integrating Ukrainian war refugees on the labor market in the Czech Republic.
The program will offer a unique discussion and opportunities to coordinate best practices of other employers and responsible companies, including representatives of public administration, local government or the non-governmental sector.
Date: 15. 3. 2023
Time: 9:30 – 12:30
Form: Face-to-face and online
Where: Multifunkční areál Gong, Dolní Vítkovice, Ruská 2993, 703 00, Ostrava – Vítkovice
Expected number of participants in person: 40
Host: Kateřina Eliášová - journalist, publicist
Opening of the workshop
Jan Rafaj, CEO, Heimstaden (TBA)
Pavel Štern, Director, Byznys for society
Presentation of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass program and open tools
Kamila Čubanová, Manager of diversity, Byznys for society
Pavel Štern, Byznys for society
Panel: Integration of foreign employees into the company culture of Heimstaden; Integration and support of Ukrainian war refugees - best practice
Jan Rafaj – CEO, Heimstaden (TBA)
Katerina Kostruhová, Human Resources Director, Heimstaden
Kateřina Piechowicz – Spokeswoman and CSR projects, Heimstaden
Refreshment break
11:05 – 11:30
Panel: Skills for Employment – a unique program to support and integrate refugees in the labor market – best practice presentation
Ladislav Onderka - Recruitment,Selection & Onboarding, EVP leader, IKEA Czech republic
11:30 – 11:55
Moravian-Silesian Employment Pact (MSPAKT) - Best practice in the integration of Ukrainian war refugees in the Moravian-Silesian Region
Martin Navrátil – Director, MSPAKT
Taťjána Borosan – Program Coordinator
Olena Popová – Program Coordinator
Sharing good practice with a multicultural work environment together with other employers in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Possibilities of cooperation, coordination of responsible companies in the support and integration of Ukrainian war refugees in the Moravian-Silesian region.
Moderated open discussion
Summary and conclusions of the workshop
Refreshments and networking
If you need more information, you can contact:
Kamila Čubanová – Diversity Business Manager for the company
Phone: +420 724 202 626
We look forward to your participation
Odebírejte náš newsletter a neunikne vám nic ze světa Charty diverzity a udržitelného rozvoje.
BPS – Byznys pro společnost, z. s.
V Tůních 1357/11, 2nd floor
Praha 2, 120 00
Tel.: +420 739 717 789
Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union