Intergenerational dialogue or Young & Experienced Albert
We invite you to the workshop-networking, which is organized jointly by Byznys pro společnost and Albert Czech Republic as part of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project.
The workshop is open to BPS platform members and Diversity Charter signatories, as well as private and public employers who are "just getting started" with diversity and inclusion. The workshop program will be devoted to important topics related to age diversity and intergenerational dialogue in the workplace. Part of the program will be the presentation and sharing of best practice in the agenda of intergenerational dialogue and age diversity, as well as new open tools to support the development of diversity and inclusion among less experienced employers.
One of the ambassadors of the topic of age diversity and intergenerational dialogue, signatory of the Diversity Charter and partner of the Albert Czech Republic project, will present his experience with age diversity and best practice at the workshop, including current topics such as supporting people at work during their life cycle and age milestones, or support for so-called "second and third careers".
The program will also offer a unique discussion and presentation of good practice by representatives of the Young Albert and Experienced Albert employee groups. The program will also focus on sharing other good practices of participating companies from among the signatories of the Diversity Charter, as inspiration for other employers.
We look forward to your participation and meeting you!
Date: March 2, 2023
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
Format: Face-to-face and online
Where: BASE4work premises - community zone
Registration: Expected number of participants: 30-40
If you need more information, you can contact:
Kamila Čubanová, Diversity Business Manager for the company;
Phone: +420 724 202 626
Zahájení workshopu
Představení programu Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass
Pavel Štern a Kamila Čubovanová, Byznys pro společnost
Panel: Diverzita v Albertu
Ctirad Nedbálek, VP Human Resources
Denisa Maternová, Employee Experience & Internal Communication Manager
Barbora Vanko, Communications Consultant - PR Healthy & Sustainable
Panel: Young Albert (YAD) & Experienced Albert
Nikola Semeráková, Operations Support Coordinator
Filip Tůma, PMO Specialist
Martina Odehnalová, Reward & HR Services Director
Jan Mádr, SC Development Manager
Společné sdílení zkušeností dobré praxe s dalšími zaměstnavateli
Moderovaná diskuse s otázkami
V rámci sdílené dobré praxe vystoupí také Klára Escobar, HR director, MONETA Money Bank
Shrnutí a závěry workshopu
Občerstvení a networking
Record of the workshop
Odebírejte náš newsletter a neunikne vám nic ze světa Charty diverzity a udržitelného rozvoje.
BPS – Byznys pro společnost, z. s.
V Tůních 1357/11, 2nd floor
Praha 2, 120 00
Tel.: +420 739 717 789
Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union
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