10th Jubilee Conference "Mothers and Fathers Welcome 2025
This year, we will take a deep dive into the economic context of parental leave in the Czech Republic and explore the potential impacts of shortening parental leave, drawing lessons from Sweden. Together, we will examine how a systemic change could create positive outcomes for both parents and the economy. Key topics will include:
The benefits of more balanced sharing of parental responsibilities between mothers and fathers.
Economic opportunities and improvements for the Czech labour market resulting from a reformed parental leave system.
Join us for insightful discussions, expert panels, and the chance to contribute to shaping the future of parental leave policies in the Czech Republic.
8:30–9:00 – Registration & morning coffee
9:00–9:15 – Welcome and opening speeches
Petra Ondrušová – Head of Sustainability Office, Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Marie Bendegard – Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden in Prague
Pavel Štern – Director, Business for Society
9:15–9:30 – Swedish Inspiration II – Economic and social benefits of shared parental leave in Sweden & its positive effect on the Swedish labour market
Marie Bendegard – Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden in Prague
9:30–10:00 – Economic impact of the changed parental leave: Benefits for families, the economy and the Czech labour market?
Petr Bartoň – Data Economist, Datarun
10:00–10:20 – Stand-up: Situation of parents in the Czech labour market – MUMDOO Survey
Kristýna Cejnarová – Co-founder of MUMDOO
10:20–10:30 – Coffee break
10:30–10:45 – Stand-up: Support for parents during the summer holidays
Michala Kinkorová – Head of HR Department, National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies (NAKIT)
10:45–11:30 – Changing Parental leave: The way to a stronger family, a stronger economy and a higher quality labour market
Eva Decroix – Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic and Vice-Chair of ODS
Petra Ondrušová – Chief Sustainability Officer, Česká spořitelna
Radana Kostruhová – personální ředitelka, Heimstaden Czech
Martina Hlisnikovská – Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, IKEA CZ/SK/HU (TBC)
11:30–11:50 – Greater Flexibility, Less Stress: How Modern Preschool Solutions Benefit Parents
Šárka Jelínková – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
11:50–12:30 – Q&A Session
12:30–13:00 – Refreshments and networking
Moderated by Simona Babčáková, presenter, actress and lecturer
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BPS – Byznys pro společnost, z. s.
V Tůních 1357/11, 2nd floor
Praha 2, 120 00
Tel.: +420 739 717 789
Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union